Text neck is a Modern age term coined to describe repeated stress injury and pain in the neck resulting from excessive watching or texting on hand held devices over a sustained period of time.It is also often known as Turtle Neck posture.Text Neck is affects neck posture due to excessive use of Smart phones in wrong posture.It is a cause for increasing concern especially with children given their greater propensity to mobile phone usage.
Rehabilitation is found to be very effective in treating the stress injury resulting from Text Neck. Rehabilitation can be designed as a 2-4 week program. In acute cases, pain relief is the main goal. It can be achieved by Active and passive stretches of tight muscles of neck and shoulder to improve blood flow and relieve tension, Muscle strengthening, soft tissue mobilization, Grade 1 and 2 joint mobilization, Ice/heat packs, Massagetherapy, Cold laser therapy, Posture retraining and home exercise program